Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Noticing the Signs of Child Sexual Abuse

It’s not always easy to spot signs of child sexual abuse, and there may be instances where you are uncertain whether or not it is happening. But listening and trusting your parental instincts is the key. If you are not sure whether your child has experienced sexual abuse, here are some warning signs that may help.

A Letter to Those Who Blamed Me As a Child

One day, my pastor spoke on supporting the broken. This message struck my core. Is this not what the church was meant for? I summoned all the courage left in my tiny body to tell my pastor what I had been subjected to by my perpetrators. He asked me if I screamed or if I have told anyone since. I took a deep breath and simply said no. He firmly and loudly told me that I must have wanted it, pronouncing his judgment against me.

Parenting a Child Who Has Experienced Abuse

By learning how to best care for your child and growing a strong support network, you will be able to move towards healing with your child. This intention and standard must begin with you in the home. If you are reading this right now, you are taking a huge step in the right direction.

Healing From Childhood Sexual Abuse

“I am a survivor.” The first time I said those words out loud, I felt a mixture of relief and immense pain. I remember not wanting to elaborate any further, as just thinking about it left a bitter taste in my mouth. Imagine sex being introduced to you as a violation of your body at age five, and then being told you had imagined it!

How to Respond if You Suspect Child Abuse

There is no instruction manual for dealing with trauma, but there are ways to ensure the child feels safe and heard. If you suspect that a child has experienced sexual abuse, here are some healthy steps that you can take to begin healing.

Linda Toto: Protect the Child

Linda Toto means “protect the child” in Kiswahili. This program impacts parents and caregivers from diverse socioeconomic and tribal backgrounds, especially those living in informal and rural communities. These educational workshops train parents and caregivers on sexual abuse awareness, prevention, and response.

Pendo’s Power Empowers Children to Stop Abuse

Pendo’s Power is Freely in Hope’s first illustrated storybook that equips children to use the power of their voices and stop child abuse. Lydia Matioli, our Program Manager, created Pendo’s Power to empower parents to build trust and establish safety measures with their children.

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