We equip survivors and advocates to lead in ending the cycle of sexual violence.
In Zambia, 89% of all sexual abuse cases reported involve children. Through survivor-centered solutions, we work tirelessly to bring an end to sexal violence so that every girl can pursue their dreams in safety, freedom, and justice. Will you join us?
Why Support Freely in Hope:
We believe that access to education has the potential to prevent sexual abuse and re-abuse. Our scholarship program provides educational opportunities for young women affected by sexual violence. Our scholars are high school and university students passionate about using their education and careers to end sexual violence.
Youth enrolled
in higher education
World Inequality Database on Education on data from country-wide statistics of the demographic who the Freely in Hope serves and who live on less than $1.90 per day.
fih scholars
Percentage of high school students finishing all four years
Youth enrolled in higher education
College students who graduate with a degree
Ways to get involved
Become a monthly donor by
joining the Hope Circle
THE HOPE CIRCLE is an unshakeable community of monthly givers that believe in our audacious vision of ending sexual violence. Your monthly donations literally encircle each scholar within Freely in Hope’s scholarship program — providing them with what they need to not just survive, but to thrive.
Access to education has the potential to prevent sexual abuse and re-abuse.
Freely in Hope provides educational opportunities for young women affected by sexual violence. Our scholars are high school and university students passionate about using their education and careers to end sexual violence.

When Freely in Hope sent me to school, I had an opportunity to receive holistic education. I studied not with an empty stomach, I slept not from fear of traumas. I studied smart and hard and I made it through to receive my bachelors degree—the first in my entire family. I met survivors that told their story, mentors that walked with me and Freely in Hope that loved me despite my lack of self love. And then, I dared to dream again, I dared to be different and I dared to stand out.
Zambia Scholar


Airtel money

Donate Online
Become a corporate sponsor
Through the leadership of survivors and the generous support of our donors, our programs reached over 13,000 people last year! Our community programs, trainings, and events share best practices on survivor advocacy and violence prevention. As a corporate sponsor, your financial and in-kind donations will allow us to expand our reach! The programs that your donation will fund include:

Super Girls Revolution is a program implemented in Mtendere and Kalingalinga compounds of Lusaka. We provide a safe space for teenage girls to learn to bring light into the world. Over 100 teens discuss topics including sexual violence prevention, menstrual hygiene, education on sexual and reproductive health, girls and women’s right and leadership development. Learn more. Your donation will fund weekly gatherings, facilitation materials, meals, and essentials.
Interested in being a corporate sponsor?
Take action

Become a volunteer
Donate your skills by mentoring a scholar, facilitating leadership training for our scholars, helping plan an event, or any other skill.
Partner with us
In the fight against sexual violence. We believe in collaborating with other like-minded organizations and invite you to partner with us for an event, campaign, or program
Follow us
On social media.
Join our
Facebook Group to engage in conversations around survivor-advocacy in Kenya. Learn how to end sexual violence and access resources to support survivors locally. Connect and network with like-minded advocates in a safe space.
To facilitate a workshop in your organization/community.
Mambwe had not been in had not been in school for a year and was frequently missing from home due to her mental illness.
During one of her episodes, she was found by a neighbour and had appeared disoriented. When she was taken to the hospital, it was discovered that she had been raped. She received medical attention and had been in trauma therapy for a few months, funded by Freely in Hope. When she first began school as a Freely in Hope scholar, Mambwe was very quiet and would not participate willingly in group sessions. But after being equipped with tutoring and counseling through our consistent support, she grew in self-awareness, leadership, and confidence. Mambwe’s grades raised by 20% and is now able to share her story to help other survivors in her community.

Download our Sexual Violence Prevention Cards and share widely with your community.

The Butterfly Effect Curriculum supports survivors of sexual assault to share their story in a safe space. The curriculum aims to heal the trauma of sexual violence and provides a deeply healing, empowering, and restorative experience for survivors to connect with themselves, each other, and their Creator. This curriculum is a step by step guide that walks you through four different experiences you can walk your community through over the course of 4-5 days. At the end of the retreat survivors will feel heard, inspired, and transformed.
For Educational Resources visit our YouTube Channel
MNK Psychotherapy and Wellness Center
Trauma Counselling
Young Women Christian Association
Safe housing, Psychosocial Counselling services

Meet Idah
Idah is a passionate about the power of speaking of speaking out. She grew up in Lusaka Zambia. She is a survivor and a Freely in Hope scholar pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law.

Meet Ann
Ann, a high school student and scholarship participant from Zambia grew up in an abusive environment. Despite having experienced such a harsh reality, pursuing education through Freely in Hope became her haven.

Safeguarding children in faith communities
At Freely in Hope, creating safe spaces for children is at the heart of our mission to prevent sexual abuse and foster safety for communities. In Kenya and Zambia, we recently launched groundbreaking Child Protection Programs equipping faith leaders with the tools and resources to protect children from harm and foster environments where they can thrive.