Before Freely In Hope, I was so hopeless because I did not know if I would be able to attend university which was my biggest dream.
My father passed and that left my mother as the sole breadwinner. She could not manage to educate my brother and I, and no one was there for me after my dad died. I felt as if everyone was against me, refusing to listen. My relationship with my mother was very strained because I felt that she was critical and judgemental towards me. I could not trust any of my family members. I had low self-esteem because many people perceived me as a very harsh and unfriendly person who could not live with others peacefully.

Since I became a part of Freely in Hope, the organization has helped me grow in confidence and courage. I can now speak in front of crowds and I am learning to embrace my strong traits in a positive way. Where others may see stubbornness, I see persistence and determination. I am developing into a visionary and bold leader, I can attribute this to FIH providing me hone my skills, build my strengths, and recognize my voice through leadership trainings. I am also a student leader at my university. The organization has helped me grow in my career.
I am a survivor of sexual abuse, and FIH has also helped me heal from inner wounds of past trauma. I now believe in myself, and I have hope in everything I do. I no longer suffer from low self-esteem, but instead, I use my voice to influence positive change in my family and society.
By working in procurement, I will fight against sexual harassment in the workplace. So many young women are sexually harassed as they search for jobs. I am committed to encouraging young people who are survivors to share their stories.
Especially in churches, I want to teach youth about consent and sexual violence. By supporting those who may have suffered sexual violence in the past, I will help them as they heal. I will continue practicing the leadership skills that I have learned from FIH, and I commit to being an honest procurement officer, helping companies achieve their goals, with integrity and ethical discipline.

1 in 3 women have experienced sexual assault, many before they turn 18. Access to safe, secure education helps survivors heal, grow, and thrive! When you join Hope Circle, our community of monthly donors, you are helping survivors thrive as leaders in the community!