Sexual Assault Awareness Tips: Healing as a Survivor

What Can I Do To Find Healing?

When people find out that I’m a survivor, many ask me this question: As a survivor, what can I do to find healing?

1. Admit the fact that it has happened.

2. Understand that it is not your fault.

2. Seek medical attention and justice.

3. See a counselor.

4. Reach out to someone you trust.

5. Join a support group for sexual violence survivors.

6. Pay attention to the changes in your body caused by triggers.

7. Learn to forgive—though difficult, it will give your heart and mind peace.

8. Speak out about it.

Sometimes, it’s difficult to admit that you have been raped or sexually assaulted. Culture has stigmatized survivors to make them feel dirty, ashamed, weak, and guilty. Survivors may also be afraid of how people will react when they hear that you have been sexually assaulted—afraid of being judged, ostracized, or excluded. It may seem easier to keep it a secret—but when you stay silent, you deny help and reinforce victimization.

So speak out and raise your voice against sexual violence! Know that you are not alone,

*Mumbi, Freely in Hope Scholar

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The butterfly hug

Try this butterfly hug exercise to center and calm yourself whenever you feel your anxiety rising. This is a helpful exercise to bring their bodies to awareness and safety. To support your mental health journey, we also have a print-out version with instructions to use for personal or organizational use. Get the download below!

Download the Butterfly Hug PDF

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A Letter from our Directors

In 2023, we directly impacted over 6,000 people with programs and resources that empower survivors and end sexual violence worldwide! But we didn’t start here…


In 2023, we directly impacted over 6,000 people with programs and resources that empower survivors and end sexual violence worldwide! But we didn’t start here—14 years ago, we began by listening to the dreams of one survivor in Kenya and one survivor in Zambia.

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