International Day of the Girl : Competition Finalists


As COVID-19 effects the education, personal safety, and bodily autonomy of girls worldwide, Kenya is no exception. Kenya has seen a dramatic rise in teenage pregnancies with over 30,000 teenagers becoming pregnant countrywide since schools were closed due to the pandemic.

This year, the United Nations International Day of the Girl theme is “Be Bold, From Equality to Equity.” In response, Freely in Hope has launched an arts competition to invite communities to be a part of reimagining a safer Kenya for teenage girls. The arts competition is themed: Back off!! Mimi ni under 18 (I’m under 18). 

We received 44 submissions from 12 counties across Kenya!
e need YOUR help to select the winner!

Voting ends 10/5/20 and winners will be announced 10/11/20.






Our criteria for this competition are as follows: 

  • Topic – Extent to which teenage pregnancy was addressed
  • Solution-Oriented – How the solution given amplified the voice of the teenage girl 
  • Cause Addressed – degree of how much the presentation demonstrates cause of teenage pregnancy
  • Creativity – the originality of the solution shared
  • Passion – the extent to which the presenter demonstrates enthusiasm 

The winner will receive a care package and cash prize! Voting ends on October 5, 2020 and the top 3 winners will be announced on Facebook and Youtube on October 11, 2020. Follow us on our channel to hear the winners!

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A Letter from our Directors

In 2023, we directly impacted over 6,000 people with programs and resources that empower survivors and end sexual violence worldwide! But we didn’t start here…


In 2023, we directly impacted over 6,000 people with programs and resources that empower survivors and end sexual violence worldwide! But we didn’t start here—14 years ago, we began by listening to the dreams of one survivor in Kenya and one survivor in Zambia.

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