Interview with members of the Hope circle

Over the course of the past several months, Freely in Hope has seen an influx of new Hope Circle members – an unshakable community of monthly givers that believe in our audacious vision of ending sexual violence. Hope Circle members understand that healing trauma from sexual violence requires a holistic approach and ample support systems. Donations from Hope Circle literally encircle each scholar within Freely in Hope’s scholarship program – providing them with what they need to not just survive, but to thrive. Take a look at what these new Hope Circle members have to say about their recent decision to advocate with us: 

What encouraged you to begin your advocacy with Hope Circle now?


Michelle, San Francisco   “In such an unprecedented time with so much uncertainty and need during COVID-19, I acknowledge how much I have and want to support those in need as much as I can. I am reminded that God loves those who give cheerfully, for “God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” 2 Corinthians 9:8. Our blessings are meant to be shared and we are given to give, so this becomes an investment into God’s Kingdom because of the good work that FIH does.”

Freely In Hope

Christelle, Luxembourg  “The reason I started my membership during the coronavirus pandemic, was actually more because of when I was able to leave the hospital, which happened to be around the same time as the start of the pandemic. However I think that the pandemic also encouraged me to give, as I believe that it is already hard enough without a global. pandemic to support. and help these girls and women. These girls already had to go through very hard times, so I want to help. them as much as I can. Every. progress and success, as small as it may be, makes it worth it!”

Cori, San Francisco “My faith and trust in God during this coronavirus pandemic was my impetus for beginning my advocacy with Freely In Hope. I believe 2 Corinthians 1:9-10 says it best, “It felt like we had a death sentence written upon our hearts, and we still feel it to this day. It has taught us to lose all faith in ourselves and place all of our trust in the God who raises the dead. He had rescued us from terrifying encounters with death. And now we fasten our hopes on him to continue to deliver us from death yet again…”.  All the odds can feel like they are stacked against us but when we have God on our side, the odds are always in our favor when we trust in His plan. Becoming a donor was a step of faith I could take to show God that I trust His plan.”

What does giving in a pandemic mean to you?


Lauren “I continue to give through the COVID pandemic because I am a Jesus-follower and sharing my resources is just one small way to shine a light in this dark time. I’m also a mother of a four year old girl and I’d do anything to keep her safe. I feel the same sense of fierce protectionism for all the daughters of the world.”

Kay, Long Beach “I am blessed to be able to work from home for the same pay and same hours. Many are not. I hope my advocacy though it may feel impersonal (having an automatic withdrawal from a bank, I mean, what “action” does that really require?) will show those girls they are valuable and important. There are people on the other side of the world who care for them. What happens to them, matters to me. I am thankful I can play a small role in this organization that is bringing hope to the formerly hopeless.”

Freely In Hope

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A Letter from our Directors

In 2023, we directly impacted over 6,000 people with programs and resources that empower survivors and end sexual violence worldwide! But we didn’t start here…


In 2023, we directly impacted over 6,000 people with programs and resources that empower survivors and end sexual violence worldwide! But we didn’t start here—14 years ago, we began by listening to the dreams of one survivor in Kenya and one survivor in Zambia.

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