DECEMBER's Impact Report:
Thank you for encircling our scholars with holistic support during this pandemic. Your donations are helping us respond to the ever evolving needs in our community.

We held a year-end celebration with our women in the Malkia Program which provides education for women in prostitution.

We held our quarterly Leadership Lab in Kenya and Zambia to train survivor-leaders on conflict transformation, public speaking, and storytelling.
scholar highlight of the month

2020 was a tough year, yet I am happy that I managed to do my college qualifying exams and passed well. I am also grateful that despite the ongoing condition worldwide concerning COVID-19, I have been able to take my licensing exams. I am also happy that I graduated with my diploma on December 4th! All this was made possible through the holistic education Freely in Hope has provided for me. They have given me continuous psychological and financial support throughout my education.
Upon graduation, I hope that I transition well to the degree program and become a qualified nurse so that I can use my skills and knowledge to help the community and the world at large to attain good health and end the cycle of sexual violence. I am certain that with Freely in Hope, I will be able to go further in my education and fulfill my dreams.

Freely in Hope Scholar
Aspiring Nurse
Class of 2022
Staff Highlight

A few weeks ago, our global community spent time in reflection to celebrate the successes of the year, recognize the challenges, and move forward with hope. We’ve done a lot this year, pivoting our outreach programs during a pandemic, ensuring safe housing and education for our scholars, and learning to disseminate lifesaving materials on sexual violence prevention, advocacy, and reporting to our communities in new ways.
However, accomplishing this innovative work came at a cost this year and we need your help to continue this important work.
It’s been a difficult year for all of us on staff as we have experienced loss, grief, and anxiety on multiple levels. Our shared suffering has brought us closer together through weekly Global Staff Calls that have proved to be an inspiring, encouraging, and stabilizing practice for our leadership. We’ve discussed topics on building trust, compassion, and hope in light of the uncertainty of the season.
Despite the many challenges that the pandemic has brought, our teams across Kenya and Zambia dedicated their all in service to our community of survivors. They found ways to innovate our programs so that we could still achieve our mission of ending sexual violence efficiently and effectively. Together, we reached over 13,172 people this year! See how!
I know the pandemic has hit all of us in different ways. If you are able, you can help us close our funding gap from the year so that we can continue our important work of ending sexual violence into 2021. Thank you so much for standing with us through the years. It means the world to our community!