hope circle referral program

hope circle members understand that healing the trauma of sexual violence requires a holistic approach.
As a Hope Circle member, your monthly donations literally encircle each scholar within Freely in Hope’s scholarship program — providing them with what they need to not just survive, but to thrive. Our holistic education model provides: full tuition for high school and university, health care, safe housing, counseling, mentorship, legal aid, and a community of belonging. You are an important part of our community at Freely in Hope.
Would you like to share your experience by referring a friend to join the Hope Circle community?

It’s a win-win. They’ll join you in an unshakeable community of survivor-advocates that support the dreams of Freely in Hope scholars. If your friend signs up as a member, we’ll send both of you the newest edition of Freely in Hope swag and a signed copy of Nikole Lim’s book, Liberation is Here. Your connections can further Freely in Hope’s mission of ending sexual violence. Thank you for standing with us as a survivor-advocate by sharing about this opportunity with other survivor-advocates.
Just fill out the form below!
Refer a friend to hope circle!
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Please let your friend know that they will be contacted by Nikole Lim, the founder of Freely in Hope!
Meet Faith. Faith is a poet, emcee, actress, survivor-advocate, and a Freely in Hope Fellow. Hailing from Nairobi, Kenya, she is passionate about seeing her community transform. She writes and performs poetry to inspire girls to find their beauty in the midst of brokenness. She is also an aspiring psychologist and is currently pursuing a degree in psychology. As a Freely in Hope Fellow, Faith creates survivor-centered content just for Hope Circle Members. Her vision is to see more survivors share their creative voices that educate our donors on best practices in survivor-advocacy.